Why We Shoot Boudoir

Madison – I shoot boudoir because I know what it’s like to look at my body after a boudoir shoot and have a completely different perspective of who I am. I want to pass that on to help teach others how to LOVE THEIR BODY. I want to be part of your journey. The journey where you tell yourself that no one else has a say in how you feel about who or what you are and that transformation is yours for the taking and to keep forever.

Gary – Conversations with clients always start with a reason why they don’t look good. Stretch marks, belly fat, no butt, too old, not sexy… whatever. After seeing their boudoir photos they say “my butt looks so good… why have I been wearing pants all this time?!” It’s not just a good photo, it’s a mentality, a change of perspective, the beginning of a healthy relationship with their body and their self-image. I love showing others how to let go of any expectations of what they should be or who they aren’t.

What to Expect When you Enter The Dark Room

From the moment we first contact you until the moment you receive your albums, we maintain constant communication. The first part of this process is to do a pre-planning session before we book a date. This is a free consultation to guide you through preparing for your shoot all the way through ordering your albums. It’s a fantastic way for us to meet and get to know each other. If we meet in person you will see our samples. We also do phone and Zoom calls where we discuss all the details, we answer all of your questions, and book your date! Once booked we go through all of the details even further. Outfit selection, preparations leading up to the shoot, and address any remaining questions.

The day of the shoot you will sit with the Glam Squad to get your hair and makeup done. We then go through the outfits you brought and walk you through some posing basics (no need to memorize, we will help you along the way), and then the fun part… we start shooting. Shoots take approximately 90 minutes however, we only book one shoot a day so we never have to rush through your experience.

After the shoot is done, you will be offered lunch while we prepare your photos to do a same-day reveal! After you see all of your photos you will select which you love the most (probably all of them) and order your albums. We will spend approximately 1 week doing final edits and it will take approximately 2 more weeks for the albums to arrive.

I've Never Modeled Before and I've Never Done a Shoot Like This...

This is 99% of our clients. It is common to feel nervous, unsure of what to expect, not know how to pose, or generally… know what to expect. We provide TONS of information ranging from outfit selection to posing to how to prepare the week of your shoot.

On the day of your shoot we provide expert coaching, so you don’t need to worry about posing for your amazing photos. We will guide you through outfit selection before the shoot and the day of. Once you see your photos you’ll want to book another shoot!

I Don't Want my Photos on the Internet

We would love to share your photos because we want other clients to be inspired to take the same leap that you did. However, we understand there are a number of reasons why you wouldn’t want your photos posted publicly. If you are uncomfortable with us sharing any of your photos then you will never be surprised with seeing them on the internet. You have complete control over anything that we share publicly.

Do you Photoshop?

We have a simple rule when it comes to editing. We make sure you are in LOVE with yourself and your photos before you leave. There are times where we do some editing of blemishes (pimples, redness, scratches, etc), but we want you to fall in love with yourself and want to show you the beauty we see.

We will never change the shape of your body, but we promise that you will absolutely LOVE YOUR PHOTOS!

Can I Bring Someone with me to your Studio?

Yes, we never tell anyone that they have to come alone. When it comes time to shoot, we will ask them to wait outside of the shooting space. This allows us to maximize our time, direction, and your comfort.

What is Included?

We offer hair styling and makeup as part of every shoot. We also understand that a glass of bubbly may be in order to calm some nerves. Once we are finished shooting we provide a little something to pamper you. Posing can be a workout so we know you’re going to be ready to relax by the time we finish.

I’m Not Sure I’m Comfortable with a Male Photographer…

This can be uncomfortable for some. Some clients prefer male, while others prefer women… others don’t care at all. There are benefits to a man’s perspective and there are benefits to a woman’s perspective. With Dark Room you will have the benefit of both.

A great example of this difference in perspective comes from one our previous clients. Her husband loved a pair of socks and asked her to incorporate them into her shoot. She didn’t see the sexiness to them, but shot them anyway. Once I (Gary) took a few photos she was blown away at how they added to her confidence and overall experience.

Can you Help me with Shoot Ideas?

This is one of the first things that we talk with clients about. When it comes to outfits, accessories, or general vibe we take the time to get to know you and what makes you feel the sexiest. On the day of your shoot we will help you choose the combination and order of outfits, so feel free to bring as many options as you want, we can narrow down the day of.

Can I Decide Which Photos I Want When I see Them?

Absolutely! Once we finish shooting (about 90 minutes) you will get back into your comfy clothes and grab a bite to eat. In that time we will be preparing your photos for selection. Once you select your photos it will take approximately 1 week to finish editing all the photos and approximately 2 weeks to order your albums and prints.